RGC High School Student to Attend Tonight's State of the Union AddressCongressman Henry Cuellar invited Rio Grande City High School student, Alex Rodriguez, to the State of the Union Address on February 4....
Cuellar Helps Secure $1.7 Billion for Low-Income and Hispanic Student PopulationsCongressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28) helped include over $1.7 billion in the final spending bill to expand student loan and education...
New Legislation Aims to Protect Newborns, Expectant MothersToday, Congressman Henry Cuellar signed on as co-sponsor of H.R. 4768, the Home Visiting to Reduce Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Act,...
Rep. Cuellar Speaks on USMCA at U.S.- Mexico Border Conference in MexicoCongressman Henry Cuellar spoke at the “Building a More Competitive U.S.-Mexico Border” Conference in Mexico City about the U.S Mexico...