The Centro Cultural Mexicano en el Valle de Texas organization has teamed up with the City of Rio Grande City to host a traditional Mexican Posada event on Friday, December 14, at the main street Kiosk. The Christmas Posada at the Kiosk event is set to start at 5:00 pm at the Kiosk on Britton Ave. and will feature free admission with kids activities, food, vendors, music and a traditional Pastorela (Nativity reenactment) by the Pastorela Veloz de Lorena Illodil. Posadas, are celebrated mainly in Latin America, Mexico, Guatemala, Cuba, as well as by Hispanics in the United States, beginning on December 16, and ending on Christmas Eve. According to one description, the word posada means "inn" or "shelter" in Spanish, and traditionally, the Bible story of Mary and Joseph's journey to Bethlehem and their search for a place to stay is re-enacted. The tradition can include Mexican Christmas carols, and breaking piñatas. The Postorela tradition may begin with a procession in which the participants hold candles and sing Christmas carols. Sometimes there will be individuals who play the parts of Mary and Joseph who lead the way, or alternatively, images representing them are carried.